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You can customize the configuration using environment variables, this way you don't have to manage a configuration file, and you are not committing any potential secrets into source code.

Some configuration such as the SAML config for SSO is stored in the database, so you will first need to set up DeployBoard, log in, then configure SSO in the admin section.


In development, DeployBoard uses dotenv to load configuration from a .env file. You can create a .env file at the root of each app in the /apps directory, but it is recommended to just use the environment variables.


Key Description Default Type Required
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET Used when signing the access token. None string No
REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET Used when signing the refresh token. None string No
REACT_APP_API_URI URI of the api, specifically used for the react frontend. http://localhost:3001 string No
REACT_APP_AUTH_URI URI of the auth server, specifically used for the react frontend app. http://localhost:3002 string No
WEB_URI URI of the www marketing site. None string No
APP_URI URI of the react web app. http://localhost:3000 string No
API_URI URI of the api server. http://localhost:3001 string No
AUTH_URI URI of the auth server. http://localhost:3002 string No
DEPLOY_URI URI of the deploy server. http://localhost:3003 string No
SMTP_HOST Host address of your SMTP server. None string No
SMTP_PORT Port of your SMTP server. None string No
SMTP_USER SMTP server username. None string No
SMTP_PASS Password for your SMTP user. None string No
LOG_LEVEL Log level. debug string No
MONGO_URI The full path to the mongo db. mongodb://localhost/deployboard string No